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    2000 › TrobaCam

    TrobaCam was our primary product at (go figure) Troba. The application created a campus-like representation of your web site via analysis of web site logs, and would render visitors in the campus interacting with various areas. It would also render users in various states if it was determined that—for example—they were stuck in a loop trying to use the site's ecommerce store.

    What I did

    I was responsible for the UI design along with the primary developers of the product. I also made several thousand frames of different visitors in a variety of activities, such as walking, looking impatient (checking their watch, tapping their foot), etc.

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    2000 › City Builder

    City Builder was an accompanying product to TrobaCam. It would allow users to build virtual cities that represented their website structure.

    What I did

    I was responsible for the UI design along with the primary developers of the product. I also did a lot of Java Swing coding for various UI components.

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    2000 › Troba Analyzer

    The Troba Analyzer was a web-based component that Troba clients could use to manage tasks related to their TrobaCam usage. This included creation and management of typical tasks that users would perform so that the software could specifically measure those items to see success rates amongst users. It also was responsible for displaying a large collection of reports that were generated by the software.

    What I did

    I was responsible for all aspects of this application, from coding to design. It was written in JSP (Java Server Pages) and Servlets, all run via Tomcat.

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    2000 › Troba Analyzer

    A Troba Analyzer report that helped show client where users were doing well (and not so well) using the client's website.

    What I did

    I was responsible for all aspects of this application, from coding to design. It was written in JSP (Java Server Pages) and Servlets, all run via Tomcat.

    Note: It'll be easiest to see anything on this if you open the full raw image here and expand it to full size there.

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    2000 › Troba Analyzer

    A Troba Analyzer interface for managing profile sets. This also shows the sub navigation system.

    What I did

    I was responsible for all aspects of this application, from coding to design. It was written in JSP (Java Server Pages) and Servlets, all run via Tomcat.